We love your creativity
What can you make with Splash Fabric?
More like...what CAN'T you make?!
The following projects were all made by our amazing Splash Fabric Community.
Our customers are the MOST creative and we love when you send us photos of what you create using Splash Fabric!
PS. If you haven't joined our Splash Fabric Insiders Facebook Group you totally should- so many amazing ideas and inspiration!

Overalls in Marin by Sarah J.

Full 'Matchy Matchy' outfit in Ravenna

Pouches in Marin, Sonoma, and Monterey.

Lunch bags in Dijon and Beach Dogs by Terrie W.

Chair cover in Juanita.

Clam Shell Pouch in Cool Cats by Kathy R.

Sand pants in Juanita by Jessy Choo

Bowl covers in Kale, Spout, and Mustard by Judy D.

Bicycle Bag in Alki by Grace M.

Free Sewing Patterns & Tutorials
Get Sewing!
We created these FREE sewing patterns and video tutorials of our best selling products so you can let your creativity shine!

Drawer liners in Cypress.

Bag with Marigold lining by Lisa W.

Backpack in Kale.

Puppy coat in Ink Dogs by Melissa H.

Backpack in Yard Dogs by Judy D.

Bench covers in Cypress.

Car trash bin in Cypress by Anne K.

Bucket hat in Snowflake.

Backpack in Plum Sheep by Rebecca.

Doggie raincoat in Ink Dogs.

Picnic blanket in Ruby.

Splash Fabric Insiders Facebook Group
Make something cool? Want to talk about fabric? Our Facebook group is an active group of like minded creative people who love supporting each other! Come hang out!

Need fabric?
We've got you!
Choose either 100% Cotton or our Eco-Friendly Laminated Cotton that's super soft, a breeze to work with, and water-resistant!