The Story of Splash Fabric
How it began..
It all started in 6th grade when I won the Singer Sewing Contest after taking my first sewing class. After that, I sewed everything — clothes, beanbag chairs, tents, tailored jackets, even jammies for all the kids in the neighborhood.

Next there was Impwear
Built to last | rugged whimsy
In 1991, after my first son (of 3) was born, I sewed all my baby's clothes and as everyone asked me where I got them. I signed up for my first sale, and quickly sold out. IMPWEARkids was born!
I enjoyed finding wonderful fabric, sewing in my basement during nap times, and clothed several generations of Pacific Northwest kids in reversible, kid-proof play-wear.
With 3 boys enrolled in Seattle Public Schools, I taught art in Seattle Public Schools so kids could learn to make lemons into lemonade — the way all artists and entrepreneurs do. You better believe I taught them all to sew too.

A Seattle Mom & Pop
Splash Fabric is Born

In 2013, I discovered laminated cotton. I started making tablecloths, aprons, & bags. How delightful to work with such amazing & extraordinary stuff!
In November 2019 we became Splash Fabric, an ode to our magical laminated cotton!
I was worried that no one would love my new makings as much as they had my IMPWEAR, but y'all did.
My following became stronger and we have grown a community of supporters who are solid and inspirational.
My boys came back in 2020 to help me with our Mask Mission
Who knew they had been paying attention all these years?

Splash Fabric makes beautifully useful laminated fabric, bags and home goods in Seattle.
Our unofficial motto is: “make it work!” I design dreamy fabrics and clever products to stand up to your spills, sloppy and splashes.
From practical bag design to new packaging to family backpacking expeditions, the Krauters don’t shy from life’s challenges.

In 2016, after not finding the prints I wanted to see, I dove off an entrepreneurial cliff, started learning surface pattern design, and began ordering new prints in 3,000 yd increments.
I never looked back.
Forever the problem-solver, David crafted a fabric re-roller for our basement, so that Splash Fabric can ship fabric out to stores, and to all of you sewists out there.
I love that, and thank you!
We are makers, and our products speak to makers: crafters, gardeners, cooks, sewists, as well as anyone who makes messes.

As a former Park Ranger, and incorrigible backpacker, if I am going to put new items out in the world, I want to be sure they are biodegradable and built to last.
No planned obsolescence here!
The mother of 3 boys, my goal is to save you from doing too much laundry.
Our eco-friendly, non toxic flavor of "OilCloth" is unique in the market, with its matte finish and contemporary, fresh designs.
Today, Splash Fabric has a dynamic team and I'm proud of what we've built. We make quality fabric & products for affordable prices & deliver them quickly to your doorstep.
We sell our fabric and offer a complete line of sewing patterns to support you making all the things!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.